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HEP Compliance Reminder

Care Management Solutions has sent out notices to those members they have identified as non-compliant with the HEP requirements needed for calendar year 2018. 

If you received notification that you are non-compliant, you can check your compliance status by going to  (as a reminder, the password requires 8 characters, at least 1 capital letter and at least one number) or contact Care Management Solutions at 1-877-687-1448 to speak with a HEP representative.

If you have a chronic condition, you may also be required to complete and submit a "fact sheet" related to your condition.  Remember, those with chronic conditions must complete all requirements by December 31, 2018 in order to qualify for the $100 payment.  The fact sheets are linked below.

For overall HEP compliance, if Care Management Solutions considers you non-compliant, you could lose the financial benefits associated with the HEP such as reduced monthly premiums, deductible waivers, and lower co-pays.  If you receive notification of non-compliance, schedule your necessary appointments as soon as possible to avoid any disruption in your HEP status.

HEP Chronic Condition Fact Sheets:

Coronary Heart Disease
Heart Failure

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