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Legislative Republicans Offer Plan For Union Concessions

This is a charming piece of work released by the State House Republicans on 5/16...keep in mind, the group who released this is only 4 votes short of control in the State House. GOPHouseConcession Plan  Just the first item on this list would increase the employee cost for a family medical plan by nearly $5,000 annually.

The $5.1 billion deficit is an economic reality that can't be ignored.  Every State budget proposal released thus far has sought $750 million in labor savings in each year of the biennium and the legislature submitted 90 bills to subvert collective bargaining.  Amidst all of this, the SEBAC unions have been meeting with the Governor's Office for several months.  Internally at A&R, we are describing these meetings as "a tornado" b/c there have been countless concepts swirling around with different numbers being thrown in and thrown out.  As with a tornado, what the final outcome will be can't be determined until just before the vortex breaks.   These meetings have been moving forward at a rapid pace since the downward spiral of the tax revenue numbers announced on May 8th.  With only three weeks left in the legislative session, this could come to a head quickly.

There have been plenty of rumors stirring about; some pretty accurate, some not so much.  As president of A&R, if there is a common set of agreeable terms with the State, I will let you know when it happens and what those terms entail.  Do not follow the "scoop of the day".  This is a tornado, as such things are swirling about and changing frequently.  Whatever the final outcome, we expect it to take form soon.  When something substantative develops, we will FULLY inform A&R members. 

All of our Stewards have been prepped for layoff response if that becomes necessary.  Our Member Assistance Program is ready to render assistance to members who may be laid-off.  We are also bringing our Executive Board (the Representative Assembly) in for a special meeting next week to ensure that the full leadership team of A&R is up to speed on all possible scenerios.

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