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The Post-Janus World

Some members have begun to receive mailers supporting a union opt-out campaign.  These campaigns are typically run by out-of-state special interests groups which are well-funded (as in hundreds of millions) corporate/conservative operations.  They are taking advantage of Connecticut's freedom of information (FOI) laws in order to exploit union members' privacy by requesting public agencies to hand over employee names and personal information.  These tactics are not surprising. They're common in states where politicians have rolled-back negotiating rights of teachers, firefighters, nurses and other government employees; anti-worker forces follow these attacks with deceptive public relations campaigns aimed at union members.

Their goal is to defund your union for their own political gain.  Make no mistake, some group running an opt-out campaign from Indiana has no concern for your welfare or success, they simply want to succeed in their political agenda which is to break your union.  Their slogans are always the same: “know your rights” and drop your union but they don't explain the end result of their statement: they want to end collective bargaining.  That is what they accomplish every time they successfully convince a member to voluntarily give up unionization.  The net result is that you lose a voice on everything: your wages, work rules, seniority, pension, healthcare, etc would all be at the sole discretion of the politicians and the public.  Eager for paycuts?  Eager for much more expensive healthcare costs?  Want to lose your seniority?  Without contracts that's what we all face. 

A&R members, with a long history of collective bargaining, have benefited from having such a voice.  Through collective bargaining we have secured raises and lump sum payments, expense reimbursements, paid holidays, personal days, flexible work hours, and everything else in your contract in addition to defending our pension and healthcare benefits.  Without a union - OUR UNION – you lose your voice…and let’s be realistic, this voice has an expense and we cover those expenses through union dues.

There is a common narrative that unions simply want to “keep the machine running”.  Don’t be deceived – that’s not the case.  Our union is not some group looking to simply support itself.  Our union’s leadership team consists of fellow state employees with identical interests because we are state employees.  If the union fails, all of the A&R officers will still have state jobs.  The union does not seek to exist simply to exist.  It exists to give a voice to employees and the right for all of us to collectively bargain.  While not every one of our 2,700 members agree on all issues, union actions are done by consensus and in the best interest of state employees.

So don't fall for the "know your rights" deception that is being spouted by these groups ...yes, you have rights (you always have) but understand that these groups from Kansas or Texas or where ever, only have an interest in seeing your union fail.   Ask yourself why some guy in Tennessee wants you to drop your union, why do they care if you're in a union?  They don't want you to know that their end-game is to silence collective bargaining.  To them, it is not about your rights, it is about your voice and your benefits and your wages.  They want you to make a choice that meets their agenda.

I want you to make a choice that meets another agenda that maintains good wages, ensures a sustainable pension plan that we can live on, good healthcare at a low cost now and at retirement, fair work rules, rehire rights, tuition assistance, etc... these are the agenda items that should be forefront in your mind.  I am not asking for you to commit to a social organization, I'm asking you to join the fight.

If you share these goals, then make your statement...stick with your union, complete the re-commit card and know that you are doing what is in the best interest of your future.

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