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State Looking to Begin Negotiations with A&R

In recent weeks A&R sent 2 letters to the State demanding contract negotiations for a successor agreement.  The State has responded and is seeking dates to meet with A&R.  At that initial meeting "ground rules" for the contract negotiations will be established.  We do not have that initial date set as of yet, but will keep you updated.  Chief Negotiator Christine Buck along with Vice President Mike Myles and President John DiSette are seeking to have that initial meeting with the State either in late October or early November.

The Negotiation Committee has done a great job pulling the Union's contract proposals together.  Many thanks to Chief Negotiator Christine Buck and Vice President Mike Myles and the entire Negotiation Committee for getting our contract proposals organized in such a timely manner.  The Committee is a large, diverse group, with each member having their own voice.  Under the leadership of Christine Buck, the Committee has pulled together and has put together proposals with a unified voice representing the interests of all members of our Union.  Many members at large (who are not Committee members) attended one ore more of the Committee meetings so that their voice could heard.  The Committee solicited input from the Union stewards as well as recommendations from members via the website on-line survey.  Because of this, the Negotiations Committee is prepared to proceed.  Many thanks to all who participated.

A&R will not publish our proposals via the website in advance of our meetings for obvious negotiating reasons.  However, as the negotiations process unfolds, we will communicate with members via home email addresses and member meetings.  As always, the Officer's of the Union are readily available to members via email as well as by phone.  If you want something given consideration at the bargaining table, contact us.

The State has already begun negotiations with the Judicial branch and the Universities.  The State's proposals to other bargaining units are somewhat eye-opening.  While wages have yet to be proposed by the State, we can get a sense of what to expect regarding contract language.  In recent negotiation sessions with other unions, the State's initial proposals included:

  1. Preventing electronic communications between Unions and Members.
  2. Vacating all side letters.
  3. Eliminating pay increases for promotions.
  4. Eliminating professional development funds
  5. Restricting tuition reimbursement qualifications
  6. Eliminating longevity payments
  7. Eliminating contract references to "mutual agreement" thereby attempting to gain sole authority on a variety of issues

These have been the State's proposals at recent negotiation sessions with other unions and are indicative of the serious potential hazards we face at our upcoming negotiation sessions.  We are well prepared to defend the hard won rights within our contract.  Whether through negotiated settlement or through arbitration, we are prepared to represent the interests of A&R members.

Members should realize that negotiations sessions often begin with the two adversarial parties taking extreme positions and then working towards a reasonable middle-ground.  Stay tuned - we will keep you informed.

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