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The Legislative Session is now underway and several proposed bills are making their way through the legislative process.  With the new "power-sharing" rules in the State Senate, it is not surprising that many of the proposed bills are anti-labor.  What is surprising is the nature and impact of some of the bills.  Perhaps the most blatant example of this is house bill #5200, which would impose a thirty percent transaction fee on your pension if you move out of state.  This is a silly bill which wouldn't be supported by a court, but none-the-less, this is what some of our legislators sit around


The Social Committee (Co-chaired by Michelle Abrahamson and Rhonda Salvatore) is finalizing some of the activities for the upcoming year.  Recently confirmed are a trip to Boston, a trip to New York, a Red Sox game, and a Yankees game. 

Of note, A&R now accepts credit card payments but they MUST be done in person at the A&R office.  There is a $1 surcharge per ticket purchased for credit card transactions.  Also, the trips to New York have only 1 pick-up location which is in Cromwell.  The Meriden pick-up location was infrequently used, therefore, to shorten the bus ride, this stop has been


HEP Compliance

In the coming weeks, Care Management Solutions will be sending out notices to those members they have identified as non-compliant with the HEP requirements as of year-end 2016.  If you receive notification that you are non-compliant, immediately contact Care Management Solutions at 1-877-687-1448 to speak with a HEP representative.  If you believe that you were in compliance as of year-end 2016, yet Care Management Solutions cannot resolve the issue, immediately notify Union Hall so that we can get you the assistance needed to address the problem.

Remember: If Care Management Solutions considers you non-compliant, you could lose the financial benefits associated with the HEP such as reduced monthly premiums, deductible waivers, and lower co-pays.  If you receive notification of non-compliance, take action promptly.

The State Employee Retirement System (SERS = your pension) will be a frequent topic of discussion during this legislative session.  The primary issue regarding SERS is related to the underfunding of our pension system.  To that end, it is helpful for members to have an understanding of what the legislators and pundits will be blathering about for the next 5 months.  Much nonsense will be played out in the press and at the Capitol.  It is important that members know what is real and what nonsense.  A recently released report from the Office of Legislative Research does a good job of taking this


When it happens:

  • Act professionally
  • Be responsible
  • Drive safely
  • Know your contract

The A&R contract affords you protections if and when inclement causes you to be late for work.  Specifically, Article 16, section 6 addresses inclement weather and starting times.  In a nutshell, page 39 indicates that:

  1. Arrival within one hour of the start of shift shall not be charged for lateness
  2. Up to 21/2  hours may be excused if conditions are severe
  3. Granting lateness beyond the 1st hour is subject to comparison with fellow employees' arrival times.  If the time in excess of 1 hour is denied or exceeds 2 1/2 hours