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A formal State budget has yet to be adopted.  However, separate proposals from the Governor’s Office, the Legislative Appropriations Committee, as well as Republican leadership all seek $700 million in “labor savings” in the upcoming fiscal year.  Obviously, this will have a significant impact on state employees.  How that impact finally materializes is unknown.  But we do know that “labor savings” can be achieved in various ways, including layoffs, attrition, and pension and healthcare modifications.  The Governor’s Office estimates 4,200 layoffs will be needed in “labor savings” absent a


Thank you to the membership of A&R for turning out the highest number of votes in years.  Thank you to all members who chose to run for an Officer seat, an executive board seat, or to be a delegate at one of our affiliate conventions.

The results of the elections are attached.

Vote Counts for Officer Positions


A&R's Thirty-Fourth Annual Convention This Thursday

A&R’s Thirty-fourth Annual Convention will be held this Thursday, April 20, 2017 at the Chowder Pot IV (165 Brainard Rd, Hartford, CT  06114).  The Annual Convention is open to all active members.  Registration begins at 4:30 PM and ends promptly at 6:00 PM.  A brief awards ceremony for academic scholarship winners will be held at 5:30 PM.  The meeting will be called to order (and doors closed) at 6:00 PM.

Members MUST provide photo ID and MUST register before 6:00 PM to gain access to the convention.

Convention Call

Longevity Payments

Employees who are eligible for longevity payments should see them in the final paycheck of April (4/27/17).  Longevity will be paid to those who are qualifying for the first time as well.

The unilateral action taken by management to rewrite the Revenue Examiner and Tax Correction Examiner job specs will be reversed in short order.  The “new” job specs are NOT in effect, there remains a voluntary system for bi-lingual assistance in DRS.  This issue is currently at the bargaining table and the State is clearly aware of that.  The action taken by DRS and DAS was clearly out-of-line, improper, and undermines the integrity of the on-going negotiation process.  

Further, from A&Rs stand-point, there is a deeper issue to be addressed as there have been a series of highly questionable


Reminder: A&R Scholarship Applications Due 4/7

The deadline to submit applications for A&R scholarships is April 7th.

10 scholarships are awarded to High School graduates/seniors who will be entering post-secondary education
5 scholarships are awarded to current post-secondary students continuing their post-secondary education.
A&R Scholarship Application

Winners will be announced at the A&R Convention scheduled for April 20th at the USS Chowder Pot in Hartford.