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Every year AFT-CT hosts several round-table meetings where they invite State lawmakers to come and sit with union members.  These are low-pressure, casual, free events for A&R members (A&R is the largest union within AFT-CT) and include a light meal at each of the venues.  These are structured such that the lawmakers will go from table-to-table and sit with a group of members who can have a discussion with their local House Reps/Senators on any topic they choose...for A&R members, you can have your say on any issue you wish, but please don't forget to tell them that you want them to either


UPDATE 2/21/25:

HB 5369 An Act Authorizing State Agencies To Require Employees To Work In Person was given a legislative public hearing yesterday in the Labor and Public Employee Cmte and there was no committee vote on the bill.  This means that the committee may not take a vote and therefore the proposed bill will just die.  If the committee does take a vote, we will push to have it crushed.

...but let's not ignore what really happened here:  A&R showed up!  There were over 1200 responses opposing this bill!!! That is an unbelievably incredible response! A&R employees submitted over 600 of


Every year, A&R awards scholarships to qualifying children of A&R/AFT Local 4200 members or children of former A&R members who are now members of the A&R Retiree Chapter.  This year we have stepped up to 17 total A&R scholarships (you can also find the Scholarship apps for AFT-CT and the CT AFL-CIO under the Resources tab above).

Ten (10) in the amount of $1,500 each for 2025 high school graduates/seniors who have been accepted to and will be entering a post-secondary educational institution.  

Five (5) awards in the amount of $1,500 each will go to post secondary students who are continuing


Saturday February 1st from 9AM to 1PM, AFT-CT will be holding its annual Legislative Conference at the Legislative Office Building in Hartford.  A&R is the largest union within AFT-CT and all A&R members are invited to this conference at no cost.  This free event will have legislators meet with and address all of the AFT-CT members to talk about the objectives of the upcoming legislative session. There will be a free breakfast buffet with coffee available as well. You can view the flyer here and you can register to attend here.

This Legislative Conference is the main event that is the precursor


Step Increases & Top Step Payments in Last Paycheck
All members with permanent status and an overall satisfactory service rating should have received either a step increase or top step payment (for those at step 9) in the most recent paycheck. The step increase is valued at approximately 3% of gross pay and members will see that incremental increase in each pay cycle of their career going forward. Those at step 9 (top steppers) do not receive an incremental increase, and instead receive a lump sum annual top step payment valued at 2.5% of salary. These are all negotiated items.  The terms of


Saturday February 1st from 9AM to 1PM, AFT-CT will be holding its annual Legislative Conference at the Legislative Office Building in Hartford.  A&R is the largest union within AFT-CT and all A&R members are invited to this conference at no cost.  This free event will have legislators meet with and address all of the AFT-CT members to talk about the objectives of the upcoming legislative session. There will be a free breakfast buffet with coffee available as well. You can view the flyer here and you can register to attend here.

This Legislative Conference is the main event that is the precursor