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It has come to A&R's attention that the State is seeking to recover funds from some miscalculations related to the 2018 Pension Catch-up.  A&R has filed a grievance on this issue as our contract [Article 24 Section 11(b)] limits the "Look Back and Recovery" period to 5 years from the date of determination (The 2018 Catch-Up period exceeds the 5 year look-back). Further, in accordance with the A&R contract [Article 24 Section 11] any attempt at further collection shall be stayed until the grievance process is complete.

If you received notification that you have a balance due for the 2018


REMINDER:  Open Enrollment Ends May must submit any changes to your medical/dental plans by May 31st for the July 2024 thru June 2025 time frame.


  • The Medical and Dental plan options remain the same for the July 1, 2024-June 30, 2025 plan year.
  • Compare the available Medical and Dental plans
  • There is a slight increase in employee payroll deductions
  • This is your annual opportunity to add or remove dependents from your coverage, or change your Anthem medical or Cigna dental plan without a qualifying life event.
  • To make a change (add/remove a dependent or change a


Our Wage Re-opener Agreement is now final!  Today (April 23, 2024) our Wage Re-Opener Agreement passed a full floor vote in the Senate as well as a full floor vote in the House…that means it has been adopted!  The House voted in favor 106 Yea to 44 Nay.  The Senate voted in favor 24 Yea to 12 Nay.  There is no need for a Governor’s signature, it is final!

As a reminder, the agreement calls for a 2.5% raise on June 28th (meaning you will see it in your July 25th paycheck) and there will be a Step Increase/Top Step Payment effective December 27th (meaning you will see that in your

Wicked the musical at the Bushnell

If you are looking for that Mother's Day Gift...we have a great solution, take her to see Wicked at the Bushnell on Mother's Day (May 12, 2024).  We  just added the play Wicked! at the Bushnell to our line-up of activities! Tickets are  $117/each and we only have a few tickets available so don't wait!  The Emerald City Cocktail Lounge will be open to all two-hours prior to the show if you wish to get the full experience! View the flyer here or  get your tickets here!

The A&R Social Committee has also put together an extensive list of trips and activities for the Summer and Fall of 2024 so



Longevity - Reminder that the final paycheck in April and the final paycheck in October are when "Longevity" payments are made for those who qualify (must have over 10 years of service and hired prior to July 1, 2011); this means that Longevity payments are due in this week's paycheck.

A&R Scholarship Winners for 2024

A&R would like to congratulate the winners of our annual Scholarship Awards and thank our Scholarship Cmte members for their time and efforts in making this happen every year.

$2,500 Harry Zilber Scholarship Award winner:

Sara St. Germain daughter of JoAnn


Our Wage Re-Opener Agreement has passed the Appropriations Cmte House and Senate and final stop is a full vote on the House floor (HR-15) and a full vote on the Senate floor (SR-12).  There is no scheduled date for the full floor votes just yet, we will let you know...but remember, everyone has a role in getting this passed, you need to contact your State Rep and State Senator and let them know you want them to pass HR-15 or SR-12 (you can find your legislator's contact info here).

Below are the tally sheets for the votes in the Appropriations Committee...all Senate Democrats