- UPDATED 6/28 -
Link: Telework Transition Request Form
The official Telework Transition Request Form is linked above. Anyone who wishes to continue to Telework should complete/submit this form even if you have already received approval for your requested schedule (it's a record-keeping thing).
A couple of items to clarify:
If you are on a 5/4 schedule, please indicate on the form in Item 12 "Other", that you wish to continue your 5/4 schedule.
If your request is based on an ADA accomodation, please indicate "Medical Request" in Item 12 "Other"...do not submit any actual medical information on this form.
If your request is denied, you can discuss with your supervisor an alternate schedule which would be acceptable (e.g.- requesting fewer or different days)...this will not impact your ability to appeal the denial.
If you wish to appeal a denial, use this email link and provide us with the below information.
- Your name
- Agency, unit, job title
- Personal phone #
- Non-state email address
- Your requested schedule
- Your denial form from the agency
Keep in mind, that pending a determination on your "new" request, you will continue using your "current" telework arrangement..."current" means your schedule prior to May 13th.
- UPDATED 6/24 -
View the Transitional Telework Agreement
The official Request Form referenced in the agreement has not been released as of today. We are advising that anyone wishing to request a schedule above 50% to either do so using a compatible form already circulated by your agency or make the request to your supervisor via email...once the official Request Form is released, please follow-up utilizing the official form. Remember, if you are already doing 50% telework you will automatically qualify for continued 50% telework, if you are exceeding 50% you may request to continue telework up to 100%. When operationally feasible, 50%-80% telework will be generally acceptable.
With the Governor's July 1st deadline to return to operations under the existing telework agreements, A&R, with the other Unions of SEBAC, have been in active negotiations to make the agreement reflect what we have learned over the past fifteen months -- telework works.
Under the new agreement, if you have been teleworking regularly during the pandemic, you can continue to do so for at least up to 50% of the pay period. The agreement guarantees 50% of a biweekly period shall be automatically granted upon request of the employee (for employees who were able to do so during the pandemic period). The agreement allows for employees to request more than 50%, when consistent with operational needs, but typically not to exceed 80%.
Agencies must also provide "flexible scheduling for members consistent with business and operational needs."
The agreement also recognizes that, while Connecticut is doing very well in combating this pandemic, it is not over yet, and it impacts everyone differently. Members who are "COVID-fragile" and have a doctor's note indicating that returning to the office would present a health risk may continue their current telework arrangement. Those that live with a "COVID fragile" family member can similarly continue their current telework arrangement (apply using FMLA P-33B form).
The agreement also provides that an employee keeps their current Telework schedule pending a response by the employer to the newest telework request.
State service seniority will control where there are conflicts in requests.
A universal registration form will be created and we will provide that link as soon as it is available to us.
We will also post the full agreement as soon as we are able to do so.
Should the need arise, there is an appeal process for any unreasonable denials, and we will be providing a link for that as well.
This agreement is valid through September 1, 2021 with the potential to extend through year end. During this period we will continue to engage with the state in hopes of reaching a permanent telework deal that recognizes the benefits of telework for all parties involved.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this agreement, please email us at telework@andr.org or contact the A&R office at 860 953 1316.