COVID19: While we have been chasing this non-stop for 2 weeks, we just want to let you know where we are now. Most agencies have this in hand but we still have a few issues scattered about that we are trying to address. Specifically, DMV is a debacle, DSS is quite chaotic but shaping up but we thank the commissioner for taking some actions to improve the situation, and the DCF Commissioner has done great and worked well with us for which we are grateful, but we still have some problems with the regular suspect over there (David Barry).
We are continuing to monitor all that is happening and we are pushing the message that all agencies should shut down a building if more than one case of COVID19 is confirmed.
We are getting questions regarding the conclusion of the 14 days of LOPD, we are not sure what will come next but we will let everyone know as the situation evolves.
EFMLEA/EPSLA: USDOL has released guidance for emergency FMLA and Emergency Paid Paid Leave. These documents are very similar to what the Governor had directed with LOPD, however, these begin on April 1, 2020. It is uncertain whether these guidelines will be utilized when the LOPD time has expired or whether the Governor will extend the 14 day LOPD timeframes. Please review the EFMLEA/EPLA guidance if you need to access paid leave resulting from the coronavirus.
Workers Comp: Also, we are being advised that if you contract the coronavirus and you believe you may have contracted it at work, to file a WC-30 immediately and state that you believe that you contracted it at work. We do cannot predict how these will be adjudicated, however, we also don't know if there are any long-term effects from this virus. This is a pre-cautionary measure to be taken within 30 days to protect your rights. Workers Comp 30C Form
Scholarships: Remember that the A&R Scholarship applications need to be received at the A&R office no later than 4:30pm on April 2.
A&R Convention and Elections: Reminder to be on the lookout for your A&R election ballot in your mailbox. Voting is open through 11:59 pm on 4/15/2020. We are still holding our convention on 4/16/2020, however, due to the coronavirus outbreak, we are forced to change our venue. For now, we plan to hold the convention at the A&R Office, if necessary, we could hold it in the parking lot as a pre-caution for social-distancing. We will continue to monitor the situation and adjust plans as needed.