As you may already be aware, the Comptroller's Office has awarded Aetna the right to administer the Retiree Medicare Advantage Plan - to be the Plan Administrator for retiree health benefits. This change will in no way impact benefits under the plan. No changes to doctors. No changes to network. No financial impact to retirees. The plan will cost the State about $130 million less per year, the result of competitive bidding, with no impact to retiree benefits. Collective bargaining provided SEBAC the opportunity to review the changes, and to voice labor's opinion about the changes at the HCCC. The Healthcare Cost Containment Committee is a high level SEBAC labor management committee and provides labor a direct voice on such matters. A&R is pleased that one of our own members, Zhijian Li (DOT) sits on the commitee.
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- posted 6/10