This year the residents of Connecticut will be electing our General Assembly (Senate and House). The representatives in the General Assembly is of extreme importance to State Employees as this General Assembly will be the group who votes on our next labor A&R (with some help from AFT-CT) has vetted the candidates and made our endorsements for candidates who will support our next contract when it comes for a vote in the General Assembly. A&R does not get involved in national politics, so we took no position on US Congress or the Presidential race...but the State Senators and State Reps are important to us. We recognize that not everyone will agree with everyone on this list, but we are looking to ensure security and integrity in our labor/management system and these people are the ones who we feel will support our current system...the list is extensive, so hopefully you can find your local candidate on this list and give that person your vote...and please, don't skip this vote, get out there and vote in person, or drop off your ballot at a designated location, or mail your ballot in, but don't skip this election season!!!