UPDATE 2/21/25:
HB 5369 An Act Authorizing State Agencies To Require Employees To Work In Person was given a legislative public hearing yesterday in the Labor and Public Employee Cmte and there was no committee vote on the bill. This means that the committee may not take a vote and therefore the proposed bill will just die. If the committee does take a vote, we will push to have it crushed.
...but let's not ignore what really happened here: A&R showed up! There were over 1200 responses opposing this bill!!! That is an unbelievably incredible response! A&R employees submitted over 600 of those responses; just an amazing turnout. A giant Thank You to every one of you who took the time to let our legislature and our Governor know that we will not watch this get stripped away from us.
The Labor and Public Employees Cmte of the CT Legislature will be holding a public hearing on Thursday February 20th at 10:00AM regarding HB 5369 An Act Authorizing State Agencies To Require Employees To Work In Person; a bill to reduce State Employee telework...we are encouraging A&R employees who oppose this bill to submit written testimony. Your testimony does not need to be comprehensive or extensive or ground-breaking, it can simply state that you oppose this bill and that telework is an important benefit that works for you and the constituents that you serve.
To submit written testimony use this link (you can either upload a pdf or type directly into the "box" provided). Enter your name, select the hearing date: 2/20/25 10:00, then select the bill #: HB05369 An Act Authorizing..., then enter or upload your statement. If Telework is important to you, now is the time to explain that.
The State Employee union's opposition to this bill will be presented by our SEBAC spokesperson.
The bill is proposed by House Minority Leader Vincent Candelora and reads as follows:
That title 5 of the general statutes be amended to authorize the commissioner of any state agency to establish an on-site or in-person work policy that requires employees of such agency to work on-site or in person. Such policy may require that such employees work on-site or in person for up to sixty per cent of such employee's scheduled work hours.