This morning the US Supreme Court ruled in favor of Mark Janus in the lawsuit he filed against his AFSCME union. The court sided with Janus in stating that it is not consistent with the first amendment to force employees to pay agency fees if they choose not to be a member of the union. The opinion of the court is essentially that public-sector unions effectively argue government policy every time wages, hours, working conditions, pensions, healthcare and other benefits are negotiated, and union members were being compelled to support such policies - even if they did not agree with the policies. As a result, and on the basis of supporting free speech principles, the court held that union dues are not compulsory.
This is a major shift in the way public-sector unions operate. Despite this ruling, state law still guides the collective bargaining process in Connecticut. While state law may need to be modified, collective bargaining, and all of the employee rights established within our contract remain in effect.
What we do know is that there shouldn't be a rush to panic. A&R is still here and as strong as it has always been. We continue to represent all P-5 employees as we always have. We will continue to oppose the efforts of those at the State Capitol seeking to reduce wages, reduce pensions, increase employee contributions and the like for state employees. We will continue to advocate for fair wages, reasonable healthcare, and livable pension benefits. In short, our union will continue to represent the collective interests of the membership. In that regard, nothing has changed as a result of the Janus Supreme Court case. What has changed is how union membership is determined. It is now vital that signed union membership cards are on file at A&R for each and every member to ensure you are included within the union.
In order to reach that goal, we are seeking everyone in A&R to "re-commit" to the union by completing a newly created, on-line "membership card". This is not a minor or symbolic action - it is a vitally important one. We need the card on file here at A&R. Pre-Janus, the state had enrolled everyone into the union automatically. Post-Janus, automatic union enrollment will not occur. In order to become or remain a union member, we need the "new" union card on file here at A&R, signifying your desire to remain a union member.
- posted 6/27/18