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Budget Mitigation Upcoming

It has been a solid 40 days since the 2017/18 State Budget was passed and there is a projected shortfall of $208 million by the end of the fiscal year.  The $208M represents more than 1% of the budget and therefore triggers budget mitigation authority to the Governor.  The Governor has limits on his authority to perform line-item budget rescissions but has a wide-array of tools to limit spending.  The Governor will be enacting mitigation steps soon.  

From our perspective, one of the silliest  things the state is spending money on is an electronic "time and attendance" system.  The "Kronos" system is an electronic log-in/log-out system which has been in place at a couple of State facilities for a few years but DAS is planning to roll it out statewide soon.  This electronic sign-in sheet is expensive and clearly not in the category of a "need" for the State.  This is a "want" and really, very few even "want" it.  We will see what the Governor does in his mitigation plan, but if he is looking to cut out frivolous waste, here is a suggested starting point.


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