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Comptroller to Investigate Relationship Between Drug Makers and Pharmacies

Comptroller Kevin Lembo today announced that his office, in partnership with the state's Health Care Cost Containment Committee (known as the HCCCC, where A&R has a seat at the table), has initiated a measure to block the unnecessary use of outrageously expensive specialty drugs - and is urging the Office of the Attorney General to investigate the alleged possible relationships between a drug manufacturer and its top dispensing pharmacies and prescribers.

According to the Comptroller, "This review is necessary to ensure that prescriptions are motivated by what’s best for the health of patients - and not motivated by financial interests of drug corporations," Lembo said. "As administrator of the state plan, we need to better understand the reasons and possible incentives driving these pharmacy trends."

Link to the Comptroller's Press Release

- posted 12/6

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