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DAS Unveils A New Job Application System

DAS recently sent a notice to all employees regarding a change in the job application/exam process.  For most positions, there will no longer be the dual system of sending in an exam application and then seperately submitting a job application when a vacancy occurs. 

DAS has moved to an electronic system called "JobAps" and eliminated the CT HR-12 paper application form (many of us still refer to the application form as the PLD-1, the PLD-1 is now officially eliminated...and so is the CT HR-12).  The State has now implemented an electronic resume system.

1)  Employees should begin by registering an account within the JobAps system and creating a "Master Application".  The "Master Application" can be completed and saved within the system (this is essentially an electronic CTHR-12/PLD-1).  Due to a nonsensical, outdated and silly IT policy, employees must register using a non-State issued email address, so use a home email address.

2)  When a job opening occurs, employees can edit their "Master Application" and submit their application via the JobApps system.  The system will review the application and may ask a series of "Supplemental Questions" during the application process to ensure that the minimum qualifications for the job title are met by the applicant.  This will be considered the "exam".   There will no longer be written exams where dozens of employees shuffle off to a secret location every few years to take the same written exam they have passed multiple times in their career....those days are done.

3)   JobAps will send confirmation notifications to applicants upon submittal for the position and will notify applicants if they passed or failed the exam.  If an application is rejected in the exam phase, the normal appeal process will still be available and explained in the email notification.

4)  Agencies will receive a Certified List of candidates who have passed the "exam".  The Agency screening process from the certified list may include a series of "Referral Questions" through the JobAps system to narrow down candidates from the Certified List.

5)  Agencies will then notify employees of interview dates.

6)  Lastly, within the JobApps system is something called "Interest Cards", this is where you can register to receive alerts about job openings that would interest you (in other words: BizNet has been eliminated).  You need to keep on top of this b/c the selections in "Interest Cards" expire after a year and there is no email notification of the expiration. 

This system is expected to accelerate the hireing process by several weeks.

DAS has a very helpful webpage titled:  How do I...  to walk you through the registration process.

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