Tier IV Retirement Contribution Increase: we are aware that the Comptroller's Office has released guidance to the agencies in preparation for an increase to employee contributions into the Tier IV Defined Benefit portion of their pension plan. This increase is a one-year increase of 2% and is expected to begin on July 1, 2023 (July 2023 - June 2024). The increase is in response to the pension fund not meeting its goal of a 6.9% investment-on-return. We acknowledge that the SEBAC agreement governing Tier IV pensions includes this concept of "risk-sharing". Risk-sharing was included with the intent of ensuring long-term stability of the pension fund. However, we also recognize that, during the same time period, the fund itself grew in size substantially, the result of billions in investments. It is our contention that the long-term stability of the fund is not in jeopardy. The Tier IV Agreement was negotiated in the middle of a decades long budget crisis - the current conditions are the opposite, with the state in a healthy surplus condition. It is therefore our strong opinion that Tier IV employees should not be required to make this contribution. We feel this is especially true during times of government surplus, a competitive labor market, coupled with widespread staff shortages. We hope the Governor recognizes the wisdom of not financially penalizing Tier IV employees unnecessarily, which may result in an exodus of recently hired employees during a staffing shortage. Further, we hope the Governor recognizes the chilling effect implementation of this provision will have on the hiring process. We recognize the urgency and serious impact of this issue to the membership and will be addressing this with the Governor. Along with SEBAC, we are asking that, at a minimum, implementation of this unnecessary increase be delayed unless and until the current staffing crisis subsides.
Telework Schedule Submission: we are now in the open window period to submit your July-December Telework Schedule. Ensure you submit your schedule in the month of May and the agency has the month of June to respond. It is important to note that your Telework Schedule does NOT automatically continue. Everyone needs to re-request their schedule even it is the same as the previous schedule. To submit your desired Telework Schedule application, follow this link
Healthcare Open Enrollment: everyone should have received an email regarding open enrollment for health/dental insurance. Open Enrollment began May 1 and runs through May 26. This is the only chance to change your health/dental insurance for the period of July 2023 - June 2024 (other than if there is a "life-change" during the year).
There are 5 different levels of medical coverage to choose from (all are Anthem). The five plans are: Quality First, Primary Care, Standard, Expanded, and Out-of-Area.
Quick reminder, dependents can remain on your health/dental until age 26. However, you must remove dependents at age 26 and you must also notify/remove any ex-spouses (unless the divorce orders require otherwise).
Two documents for comparing health/dental plans:
Payroll Deduction Costs
Plan Comparison
There are 2 Open Enrollment virtual information sessions remaining:
• Wednesday, May 17, 12-1pm
• Tuesday, May 23, 11am-12pm
The health/dental benefits haven't changed, however, there is a new portal to view your HEP requirements and to find doctors: https://carecompass.ct.gov/ or you can download the MyQHealth app for your phone