Everyone is aware that the Governor closed Executive Branch offices due to the snowstorm...unfortunately, he also continued his streak of improperly applying the State's Telework agreement with the Unions.
The Governor's written directive states:
All level 2 executive branch state employees whose job duties can be completed remotely should telework, or they may request use of accrued leave
The actual Telework Agreement states in item 8.3.2.:
In addition, teleworkers may be requested to telework on non-telework days as operational needs dictate or in the event of an emergency (e.g. power outage, flooding/water damage at official duty station etc.). Acceptance of such request shall be at the option of the employee.
A&R already has an arbitration on this very issue scheduled for April relating to a prior incident. A&R does not recommend that employees ignore the Governor/Agency directive to telework if they are capable of doing so. We will file another grievance based on today's directive and we will seek to recover the time.