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Governor's Budget Proposal

Update 10/22/17
Legislative leaders from both political parties and from both chambers of the General Assembly have reached a budget agreement.  The specifics are slowly being revealed but we won't have the full details until the implementer bill is released within the next couple of days.  It appears that most of the anti- state employee language has been removed (certainly the harshest proposals have been defeated).  The budget cuts will still impact our work environments.   We will post the budget highlights when we have them.   As for the next official step: both chambers of the General Assembly will take a vote (and presumably pass the budget) and then it will be presented to the Governor for signature or veto.

Update 10/19/17

The leaders of the Democratic and Republican caucuses in both the House and Senate have announced that they are roughly $70 million from reaching a bi-partisan budget agreement.  The details have not been shared with the full legislature yet and we do not have details either.  As the parties begin to craft the document over the next few days, we will find out more.  The Governor's latest budget proposal (released last Monday) eliminated most of the anti-collective bargaining language which was spear-headed by the "Gang of 3" (Sen. Hartley, Sen Doyle, Sen Schlossberg)...we do not believe that the majority of legislators will accept their approach again.

Yesterday, Gov. Malloy released another blue-print in and effort to end the budget stalemate.  This most recent blue-print seeks to address the multi-billion dollar deficit which will result in changes to programs and reductions at many State agencies.  This version of the budget also appears to contain some items that impact State Employee Collective Bargaining which were demanded by the "Gang of 3" Democrats (Sen. Schlossberg, Sen. Doyle, Sen. Hartley).  These 3 Senators are demanding changes to the collective bargaining process and holding the entire budget hostage until they get their way.  While we don't have the actual language proposals, the index of the Governor's budget lists the "structural changes" to collective bargaining that he is willing to put on the table in an effort to appeal to the Gang of 3, below are those listed structural changes:

1) General Assembly voting on Collective Bargaining Agreements - procedure when rejected
2) Working group on potential statutory changes to the teachers retirement system and SERS - incl. labor
3) Long term fiscal and operational plan for state with consultant, OLM to contract
4) Annual review of Pensions / Stress test language on TRS and SERS
5) State "ability to pay" definition
6) After 2027 SEBAC agreements not longer than 4 years
7) Review and certification of 2017 SEBAC savings


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