Active members who successfully complied with the requirements related to any of the 5 chronic illnesses listed under the HEP (Health Enhancement Program) during 2014 will receive $100 in their August 7th paychecks. Retirees in compliance will see the same amount in their checks on August 31.
To receive the HEP rebate, plan members must have been diagnosed with one of the 5 chronic conditions listed in the Health Enhancement Plan (Asthma/COPD, Heart Failure/Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes types I & II, High blood pressure, and High cholesterol) and all plan participants must have complied with the requirements of the Plan related to the illness. Further, you and your dependents must be compliant with all 2014 preventive and chronic requirements to be eligible for the bonus.
Those members who did not achieve HEP compliance in 2014 will see increases in their premiums reflected in the August TH paycheck.
Members still attempting to attain 2014 compliance are urged to schedule appointments to come into compliance as soon as possible. The UCONN Health Center has set aside appointment times specifically for State Employees, please call UCONN Health Center at 844-577-7055 to schedule necessary appointments.
To check on your compliance requirements, please visit and create an account.
Posted July 13 2015