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Upcoming Events

We have 3 upcoming events for October:

October 13:  Foxwoods Casino - we typically run this trip to Foxwoods twice per year, everyone that goes knows this is a no lose gamble.   The "freebies" cover the $20 cost of the trip; there is a $15 meal voucher and a $15 slot machine voucher...that's $30 to cover a cost of a $20 trip...we still have space available for anyone who wants to go (view flyer)

October 19:  Salem, MA - (Sold Out) Halloween is always a good time to return to the town where witchcraft was put on trial.  This is not just a tour for Salem, MA, this is an event throughout the town (view flyer)

October 25:  Dave Reilly Comedy Show/Fundraiser for Our Companions - A&R is supporting a fundraiser for Our Companions Animal Rescue and Sanctuary.  The fundraising event will be held at the Gallery in Glastonbury on a Friday night and is being led by our Social Cmte chair Rhonda Salvatore...there will be food, raffle prizes, music by Steps & Sounds (South Windsor, CT), and a comedy show featuring Dave Reilly...if you’ve never seen comedian Dave Reilly, this is a treat.  We expect it to be an entertaining night, so we hope u will come out and enjoy it.  Tickets are $40 but are being sold directly through the charity event via paypal or check, view the flyer for specific payment options.

November 10: Radio City Christmas Spectacular - the biggest holiday show, on the biggest stage, in the biggest city...they call it the "Spectacular" for a reason.  Tickets for the show and travel are $114 each (view flyer)

CTSGA Annual Seminar

The CT Society of Governmental Accountants is holding their annual seminar on October 10 and 11 at the Farmington Club (in Farmington).  For those interested, the A&R contract article 31 allows for time and costs to attend professional seminars such as this.  For registration and information on this event, please visit their website.

The Comptroller's Office has release two memoranda related to the 3% Retiree Healthcare contributions (also refered to as OPEB or OPE2 or OPE15).

For those who started working for the State in July, August, or September of 2009, it is most likely that your 3% contributions will be ending soon (unless there was a delay in starting the payments or there were gaps in service).  There is not yet an "automatic" trigger to remove the contribution so this needs to be monitored as your end date approaches.  To help individuals know when their 10 years of payments have concluded, CORE-CT has added a


Labor Day

Monday is Labor Day.  It is exactly what it sounds like: it is a day set aside to honor and commemorate all that labor unions have contributed to the work environment.  All of the gains achieved through the labor movement have had such a tremendous, positive, and noteable impact on the wages, hours, and working conditions of this country that this day was created and maintained as a national holiday for over 120 years.

Looking for a position that requires the skills of an advocate, educator, and organizer?  You should become a union steward.

Union stewards advocate for their colleagues in the workplace, making sure all employees receive fair, appropriate and respectful treatment in all aspects of their work.  Stewards also educate fellow members about important notices and contract updates, while making sure managers are educated about employee rights.  Stewards play a key role in organizing individuals into a vocal, active union that can advocate for necessary change and improvements to the state workplace.



A few updates...

Maneeley's:  Deadline for registering for the A&R picnic is this week...Friday August 23, at 12:30pm. 

Telework: we continue to grind our way through the appeal process for those who have been denied telework.  A binding facilitation hearing was held on Tuesday, 8/13 to finalize the appeals of several employees at SEEC.  By way of binding facilitation, six employees who had been unreasonably denied telework won their appeals and now have access to their requested “situational” telework.  Another SEEC employee who had requested two days of “routine” telework and had both days denied was awarded one day of telework.  More appeals will be heard in late August.  Simultaneously, we will continue negotiating the successor Telework agreement.   Indications are that DAS/BEST is close to finalizing and issuing guidance regarding approval of "home equipment" for Telework.  Though yet to be finalized, the DAS/BEST guidance appears to rely on virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) which should allow secure access to agency networks from home equipment.  The more familiar VPN fob technology is sufficient for state issued laptops.  However the greater level of security provided by VDI is needed on "home equipment".  We look forward to DAS/BEST implementing the VDI as we believe it to be the best method to provide for wide-scale telecommuting while keeping the state’s expenses low.

HEP Chronic Conditions Payment: the $100 payment for HEP Chronic Condition compliance was in the 8/2 paycheck.  If you were expecting the payment, please look at your 8/2 paycheck to verify payment.

Retiree Healthcare Trust Fund:  Those who were hired between July 1, 2009 and June 30, 2010 will see the end of the 3% contribution once they hit their 120 month threshold.  This was established as a 10 year contribution, requiring 120 months of payments into the Retiree Healthcare Trust Fund (RHTF also referred to as OPEB [other post-employment benefit]).  These payments were to begin immediately for those hired on/after July 1, 2009 but there were delays in implementing the first payments, so if you were hired in July/August/September of 2009, you should review your paychecks to see when the first contribution was actually applied to calculate when your payments should end (120 months).

Anyone hired between July 1, 2005 and July 1, 2009 would have started these contributions on July 1, 2010 and therefore the 3% contributions will cease July 1, 2020.   Those hired prior to July 1, 2005 did not start contributions until July 1, 2013 so the end date will be July 1, 2023.

A&R at the Labor Board: Thursday 8/15, A&R was at the State Board of Labor Relations defending itself from a bizarre claim by 2 non-union, non-P5 employees.  We can't speak of it too much right now as the case is ongoing, with another hearing date scheduled for mid-September.  We will acknowledge that the first hearing date went just fine from our perspective.  The action against us, which we believe to be utterly frivolous, is being led by a national right-to-work group and was filed by a State Representative on behalf of two state employees not connected to A&R.  We will update you with details as the case proceeds.

Manager Raises:  We offer a kind "you are welcome" to all managerial employees who were recently given a 3.5% raise.  Clearly the amount of their wage increase wasn't random.  It is a reflection of what unionized employees attained through the power of collective bargaining.  Unfortunately for them, they have no contractual guarantees for next year’s raise of 3.5%, nor do they have contractual rights to top step payments or annual increments.  Fortunately, union members do have such contractual rights.  As a result of collective bargaining Union members are assured of another 3.5% raise next July as well as two top step bonus payments (or annual increments) in January of 2020 and 2021.

- posted 8/16