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House May Vote To Override Budget Veto

It is possible that the State House of Representatives will hold a vote on Tuesday October 3rd in an attempt to override the Governor's veto of the budget bill which passed both chambers of the General Assembly a couple of weeks ago.  A two-thirds majority vote is needed to override the veto in the House and it doesn't appear the votes are there, but if they are holding the vote, it is certainly a risk.  If the veto over-ride is successful in the House, then the State Senate would convene and hold a veto override vote within days.  The Governor (thankfully) vetoed the budget which contains an extraordinary number of provisions targeting State Employee wages and benefits.  Many of the targeted issues can't be implemented until our contract/SEBAC agreements expire.  Nevertheless, they are in the budget bill and if left unchanged will limit the scope within which state employee unions can operate and negotiate in the future.

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