The United Labor Agency's (ULA) funding is being cut by the United Way of Central & Northeastern Connecticut.
ULA is the organization to which A&R members donate toys and food at our annual Holiday Party which benefits A&R members who require such assistance. A&R has built a strong relationship with the ULA and is proud of its efforts to support working families.
The ULA runs a food Backpack Program for needy children and their families. The backpack program is funded by donations and is operated by collaboration of the CT AFL-CIO, other union partners, schools, community service organiation and other groups. Please consider making a donation to this important program. A donation of $25 adopts a backpack for one week, $100 for one month. Any donation, however, helps the cause. You may mail a check to the ULA at 56 Town Line Road, "Rocky Hll, CT 06067 or donate online at For more information you may call Katherine at 860-258-6440 or email KATHERINE@CTULA.ORG.