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Legislative Session Opens Feb 3

The 2016 General Assembly session opens Wednesday Feb 3 and the Governor will present his budget to the legislature.  The "leaked" budget (there are no accidental leaks) calls for layoffs and collective bargaining gains (page 27 of the pdf numbered as page apologies for the awful copy attached here).

The Governor is going to throw his budget ideas into the lap of the Legislature and it will be up to us to make sure our Legislator's hear us and see us.  We didn’t hire ourselves, we do the jobs they have asked us to do for the betterment of the State.

To start us on the path of re-introducing ourselves to our legislators,  AFTCT has again set up a Legislative Issues Conference at the LOB on Saturday Feb 6, 2016.  This will be direct interaction with senators and house members.  There will be a light breakfast available at 8:30 AM and the meeting will begin at 9:00 AM.  This will be followed by a series of  "local" meetings with General Assembly members through out the month of March.  All A&R employees are encouraged to come.  The toughest part is taking that first step, Saturday Feb 6 is a good venue to ease into the process.

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