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Meet Your Legislators

Saturday February 29th (yes, it's a leap year!!!), AFT-CT is hosting a legislative conference at the Legislative Office Building in Hartford (you can park in the LOB garage for free).  It is a private event held at the LOB for A&R/AFT-CT members to meet and listen to State Senators and Representatives about the current legislative agenda.  This is your opportunity to hear and interact with legislators directly to see what they intend to accomplish in this legislative session.  The event is free and runs from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM on Saturday, February 29, 2020.  Breakfast and coffee are served and this is a relaxed event to just chit-chat and get some insider information on what to expect

View Flyer

Pre-registration link (pre-registration isn't required, but it helps calculate the amount of food that needs to be ordered)


There will be a series of Meet Your Legislator events held throughout the state in the month of March.  Again, these are free events, typically with free food and are for AFT-CT members only.  These are also "no pressure" meetings where the legislators move from table to table and explain what is happening and answer any questions.  The list of events is below.

Saturday March 14
Lyme Tavern
229 W Main St., Niantic

Saturday March 14
Lakeview Restaurant
50 Lake Street, Coventry

Saturday March 21
Eli’s on the Hill
624 W Main St., Branford

Saturday March 21
350 Roberts St.,
East Hartford

Saturday March 28
Testa’s Banquet Facility
26 S Center St, Southington

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