The A&R Union is looking into the results of the recent Tax Operations Unit Supervisor exam. If you recently applied for this exam and received a denial notice from DAS, please e-mail the A&R Union office at (you may use your state computer). A&R would like to establish a system of communication with the applicants who were rejected from this exam. Please include your home e-mail address and home/cell phone number.
We also remind all rejected applicants that they have the right to appeal the rejection within 12 days of the denial notice; we encourage all applicants who believe the denial was arbitrary or unreasonable to submit their appeal in accordance with the instructions provided in the denial notification.
DRS Human Resources has reached out to agency applicants in an effort to support some of the appeals, understand that the actions of DRS H.R. are NOT a substitute for filing your timely appeal directly to DAS and is not a requirement of your appeal.