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Resist "Right to Work (for less)" Rally

Why:   Right to Work (for less) Laws Threaten Collective Bargaining
Date:   Monday February 26th
Time:  12:00pm - 1:00pm
Where: State Supreme Court, 231 Capitol Ave, Hartford, CT (view flyer)
UCONN Storrs Campus - Student Union Ballroom - 2110 Hillside Rd.
All A&R members are invited to be part of coordinated demonstrations to resist so-called "right to work" (for less) schemes that undermine a voice for all working people. This rally is one of dozens of actions taking place across the country beginning on February 24 and is being organized by our sisters and brothers in SEIU.

The actions are coordinated to coincide with oral arguments at the U.S. Supreme Court on February 26 in the special interest-funded lawsuit, Janus v. AFSCME Council 31.  The purpose is to demonstrate the power of “U & I in Union” — and send a message to those attacking our movement that you, I and our union of brothers and sisters are united and won’t back down.

Right to work is the name for a policy designed to take away rights from working people. Backers of right to work laws claim that these laws protect workers against being forced to join a union...we correct that phrase by calling it what it really is: "Right to Work for Less"

The real purpose of right to work (for less) laws is to tilt the balance toward employers and further rig the system at the expense of working families. These laws make it harder for working people to form unions and collectively bargain for better wages, benefits and working conditions.  Everyone has a right to work, there are no laws preventing someone from working, these laws use a common sense moniker of "Right to work" to disguise the real intent of the law  which is to prevent collective voices. There are plenty of interest groups lobbying to stop sharing wealth.  Let the wealth concentrate on top and trickle down to the rest, collectively we can stop this, but we must do it together.

State Supreme Court, 231 Capitol Ave, Hartford (see flyer)


Student Union Ballroom, University of Connecticut Storrs Campus
2110 Hillside Road
Storrs, CT

- posted 2/13/18

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