After the SEBAC bylaws were amended in the midst of the 2011 Agreement, SEBAC leaders resolved to review the bylaws regarding the re-opening and ratification of an existing SEBAC Agreement. The newly adopted bylaws continue to balance both the number of unions favoring an agreement with the “per capita” votes of each union. To pass, a re-opener needs to succeed under both methods that votes are counted. The Bylaws are now as follows.
- A vote to engage in discussions shall require an 80% vote of all SEBAC voting unions in good standing with the votes being counted per capita, and not more than 20% of the SEBAC voting unions voting in opposition. (currently that would require approval from 13 of the 16 unions which must account for roughly 38,000 employees)
- Additionally, if discussions begin as outlined above, a vote to reach a tentative agreement shall require an 80% vote of all SEBAC voting unions in good standing with the votes being counted per capita, and not more than 20% of the SEBAC voting unions voting in opposition. (currently that would require approval from 13 of the 16 unions which must account for roughly 38,000 employees)
- If a tentative agreement is reached, finalizing that agreement shall require a 2/3rds vote of all SEBAC voting unions in good standing with the votes being counted per capita, and not more than 1/3 of the SEBAC voting unions voting in opposition. (currently that would require approval from 10 of the 16 unions which must account for roughly 32,000 employees)
- A union in good standing which chooses to abstain or otherwise doesn’t cast its votes shall not be counted in any way towards the percentage requirements above.
Lastly, it is important to note that items 1 & 2 above would require 80% approval of the voting unions to amend those portions of the bylaws and item 3 would require 2/3 approval of the voting unions to amend this portions of the bylaws.