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Update 10/16/17

Furlough Update: A while back we explained that the A&R furlough language had changed.  This was true, however, agencies weren't allowing this to occur because they had not been given the updated "guidance" from OLR; agencies were operating under the original "guidance" which only allowed for 3 specific furlough days (Nov 24, Dec. 26, Dec. 27).   The agencies have now received the revised guidance so we can end the conflicting stories.  The new language reads as such:

“Any P-5 employee may substitute any and all designated furlough days with any other day or days to be served not later than June 30, 2018. Individual requests shall be granted or denied subject to agency operational needs.”

In addition, the new guidance also allows soon-to-be retirees to be charged for furlough days.  Anyone who leaves state service between July 1, 2017 and November 1, 2017 will be charged 1 furlough day.  Anyone leaving state service between November 1, 2017 and April 1, 2018 will be charged for 2 furlough days and anyone leaving state service between April 1 and  July 1, 2018 will be charged for 3 furlough days.

Last clarification on the same subject: a furlough day is 8 hrs.  Anyone who has longer days will need to adjust their schedule in the same way they would for a holiday pay period.   If there is a required 10hr work day (not by employee choice, but an OLR approved non-standard workweek such as those at DCP), then the furlough day could be for 10hrs rather than 8hrs.

Durational update:  Based on the new contract language, Durational employees will become permanent in January 2018.  The working test period is now considered to be in effect.  Service time prior to the agreement is not considered part of the working test period however it will count towards seniority and pension/healthcare vesting.

OPEB Reduction Delay:  There has been a delay in implementation of the OPEB reduction as an issue with the IRS tax code came to light.  Those who selected to offset the pension increase by lowering the OPEB contribution were notified that the offset was not implemented due to a possible tax complication.  Although the issue is not resoved, there is a meeting to discuss a method of implementing the reduction and avoid tax implications; so the issue hasn't been abondoned and there will be more to come on the subject.

Anthem/Hartford HealthcareThere is still no agreement between the two companies.  Anthem POS participants will have to pay "out-of-network" costs for Hartford Healthcare services while Anthem POE participants do not have "out-of-network" coverage.  As of now, all HEP visits are still required by 12/31/2017.  It is clearly understood that many doctors are Hartford Healthcare affilitiates who may no longer be covered by Anthem as "in-network" and this will make it very difficult for Anthem participants to find alternate means of achieving HEP compliance by 12/31/17.  It is still the expectation that all HEP members meet their requirements even if that means seeking new facilities or other doctors.  Remember, even if this can't be fully achieved by 12/31/17, this does not mean you will be removed from HEP and incur the added expenses associated with HEP removal.  Removal from HEP won't occur unless and until the HealthCareCostContainment Committee votes to remove a participant after they have been given a chance to explain their situation and that won't occur until several months into 2018.  This will be an evolving situation where we will be monitoring the implications and seeking to mitigate the impacts if this battle continues.

Habitat-For-Humanity:  Apparently there has been a problem with the registration process which prevented some people from signing up.  In an effort to fix the problem, we have decided to establish a new sign-up process.  Simply follow this link, enter the information and we will ensure that you are signed up.  Remember, the event is all day Thursday Nov 2 and space is limited.

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