December 29, 2013
RE: OJE grievance – Job Reclassification
Over a year and half ago many of you submitted paperwork to appeal the State’s decision to not provide a salary upgrade for your job class. During the last six months, I made the OJE appeal the number one priority of my new Administration. The following is a list of jobs that we were successful in identifying had significant changes in job duties which will result in a salary upgrade:
- Associate Retirement Benefit Officer
- Contract Team Leader
- Contract Specialist
- Financial Examiner
- Lead Special Investigator (Medical Examiner)
- Paralegal Specialist 1
- Paralegal Specialist 2
- Transportation Public Concessions Inspector
- Vending Facility Supervisor
Additionally, The members of the Core-CT Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) financial function at 101 East River Drive will be receiving new job titles: Business Analyst, Business Specialist, and Business Team Leader.
Soon we will be sending a letter to the members in the above job classes to provide more details on this agreement.
Now that the OJE appeal is finished, my Administration will focus on new goals. There were job classifications that my Administration could not successfully argue had enough changes in their job to deserve an upgrade. So during 2014 your Union will:
- Focus more on Re-class grievances. Many of our employees are working outside their job duties and if we find that this deserves a re-class, we will put our resources towards getting our member re-classed into the appropriate job title.
- Professional Development: There are some jobs that we may be able to successful argue deserve an upgrade in the next round if our members receive more training and job skills.
- Upward Mobility: We will be focusing on finding ways to make more job opportunities available to our members, through added skills they receive in Professional Development to looking into expanding job title comparability.
- Exam Taking: We will be advocating for legislation in 2014 that changes the Exam taking process. We can show that it doesn’t make financial sense for the State to make you retake an exam you already passed!
I hope you have a Happy New Year in 2014! In the coming months, please continue to visit this website as more details concerning the OJE and other Union activities are made available to our members.
In solidarity,
Joseph Piechta, A&R President