Our Wage Re-Opener Agreement has passed the Appropriations Cmte House and Senate votes...next and final stop is a full vote on the House floor (HR-15) and a full vote on the Senate floor (SR-12). There is no scheduled date for the full floor votes just yet, we will let you know...but remember, everyone has a role in getting this passed, you need to contact your State Rep and State Senator and let them know you want them to pass HR-15 or SR-12 (you can find your legislator's contact info here).
Below are the tally sheets for the votes in the Appropriations Committee...all Senate Democrats voted in favor of our raises, all Senate Republicans voted against. In the House, all House Democrats voted in favor and all but 2 House Republicans voted against our raises. We want to thank all of the House and Senate Dems for supporting our wages and we want to thank Rep Delnicki (R) of South Windsor and Rep McCarty (R) of Waterford/Montville both of whom voted in favor of our raises.