When it happens:
- Act professionally
- Be responsible
- Drive safely
- Know your contract
The A&R contract affords you protections if and when inclement causes you to be late for work. Specifically, Article 16, section 6 addresses inclement weather and starting times. In a nutshell, page 39 indicates that:
- Arrival within one hour of the start of shift shall not be charged for lateness
- Up to 21/2 hours may be excused if conditions are severe
- Granting lateness beyond the 1st hour is subject to comparison with fellow employees' arrival times. If the time in excess of 1 hour is denied or exceeds 2 1/2 hours, the employee may either make up the time or charge it to accrued leave.
Remember, if the Governor closes State offices for 1st or 2nd shifts only, then any pre-approved accrued time must still be charged even if no one has to report to work that day. It is only if the Governor closes all 3 shifts in a day that no accrued time needs to be charged. (This explains why the Governor is careful not to close all shifts in a day...we are seeking to amend this provision in our next contract)
Working a AWS/Pure Flex schedule during a winter weather event? The contract also addresses weather delays and early recesses for those employees working AWS/Pure Flex schedules. Guidance can be found on page 94 of the contract - Memorandum of Understanding VIII. This MOU explains late openings, early releases, flex, pure flex, and how employees should record work hours depending on the circumstances. This MOU is detailed, so please see the contract for information specific to your circumstance.
posted 1/6 /17