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A message from CT AFL CIO President Lori Pelletier:

The Supreme Court will soon hear a case that will have a big impact on our voice at work. That’s why working people across the country are making a clear stand to keep the freedoms that we’ve fought for.

On Monday, Feb. 26, there will be a day of action, with local events happening coast to coast, to defend our voice on the job and demand an end to an economy designed to favor the rich and powerful on the backs of working families.

In Connecticut, there will be four simultaneous rallies on Monday, Feb. 26, starting at noon:

When working people speak with a unified voice, we are able to affect the issues and win. That makes it much harder for wealthy elites to tip the economic scales further out of balance.

Bring your co-workers. Tell your family. Invite your friends. Now is the time for working people to band together, hold the line on our freedom to join together to make improvements at work and demand an economy that works for everyone.

For more information about the Supreme Court case, please click here.

Your sister in solidarity,

Lori J. Pelletier, President
Connecticut AFL-CIO

- posted 2/21/18

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