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Membership Meeting Tuesday May 23

  • What: Membership Meeting
  • When: Noon Tuesday May 23
  • Where: DEEP Russell Room, 79 Elm Street, Hartford
  • Why: No particular reason - because we are tired of the pandemic

Union meeting to be held at DEEP in the Russell room at noon on Tuesday, May 23rd

Owing to the pandemic, it has been a long time since we held our last in-agency union meeting.  We are looking to buck that trend.  We feel the time is appropriate to reengage with the membership in face-to-face meetings.  We figured we would start at DEEP.  This is an impromptu meeting.  We are not providing lunch or anything fancy, but officers of the union will be in the Russell room at 12:00 noon to meet with members, distribute contract books, and to hear your concerns about your workplace.  We look forward to seeing you there.

Labor 2 Labor Walks 2022

UPDATED SCHEDULE OF WALKS (as of October 1, 2022)

Labor 2 Labor walks are a "boots on the ground" door-knocking campaign to support candidates who pledge support to the labor movement.  These walks are only visits to fellow labor union members and they are geared to encourage/remind people to vote in the upcoming election (Tuesday Nov 8, 2022).

To participate in these "get out the vote" campaigns, all you need to do is show up at one of the designated locations and get your street assignment from there.  These walks are held every Saturday from now until election day.  If you have never done a Labor Walk, they sound more intimidating than they are, they are actually quite simple and fun to do (especially on a crisp fall morning).

A&R has also added a little "bonus" incentive to anyone who attends a Labor 2 Labor walk: any A&R member who participates gets a raffle ticket for each walk they attend; we will pick a winner in November for a $250 prize.  Also, anyone who attends three Labor 2 Labor walks will receive an A&R fleece jacket.

This year is especially big for A&R as AFT-CT President Jan Hochadel is running for State Senate in Meriden (A&R is an AFT-CT affiliate)...Jan's pursuit of a State Senate seat is a big deal for the labor movement as the State Senate is nearly split, so anything we can do to support Jan will be hugely beneficial to labor unions in this state.

The Labor 2 Labor walk schedule is attached here...just make sure you identify yourself as A&R (local 4200) when you arrive so we can credit you with a raffle ticket and/or an A&R fleece jacket.

A&R Summer Picnic August 26

The A&R Picnic will be in-person this year, our first "in-person" event since 2019!  This year our Summer Picnic will be held at La Bella Vista in Waterbury.  The event starts at 11:30 and the cost is $20 for active A&R members ($33 for Retirees). This year, in addition to an expanded menu, there will be free beer, wine, and soda!  Of course we will also have music, games, and raffle prizes to keep everyone entertained.

The deadline for online or walk-in registration is August 15, the deadline for mail-in registration is August 12

To register online using a credit/debit card, follow this link

To register by mail with a check, complete this form and mail to A&R

Reminder: A&R members are entitled to use ½ day of leave time to attend the Union Picnic. Appropriate notice should be given to your agency, according to
Memorandum of Understanding III, Page 90 of the blue A&R Contract.

The menu for the picnic will consist of:

Three Legislative Updates

-Updated 4/12/23 - The Pandemic Pay Award passed the full Senate floor vote.  The Pandemic Pay award had a provision that the payment was to be paid within 90 days, so expect a further update soon.  If you want to assess your personal Pandemic Pay award, the calculations are as follows (remember, you must meet the minimum threshold of 180 hours)

High Risk employees (employees who were first responders, worked in congregate settings, or worked in a healthcare facility).
For employees in the High Risk environment the Pandemic Pay formula is as follows:  $250 for the first 180hrs of Regular work and an additional $136 for each 100hrs of Regular work beyond that (must reach that 180hrs to qualify).
The High Risk Overtime formula is: $270 for the first 200hrs of OT and then an additional $136 for each 100hrs of OT above that (must reach that 200hrs of OT to qualify).

Low Risk employees (are all other employees who were required to work in person).
For employees in the Low Risk environment the Pandemic Pay formula is as follows:  $125 for the first 180hrs of Regular work and an additional $68 for each 100hrs of Regular work beyond that (must reach that 180hrs to qualify).
The Low Risk Overtime formula is: $135 for the first 200hrs of OT and then an additional $68 for each 100hrs of OT above that (must reach that 200hrs of OT to qualify).

-Updated 4/5/23 - The Pandemic Pay Award passed the full House floor vote 129-15 with 7 Absent...Full Senate vote is expected the 2nd week of April.
-Updated 4/3/23
- 3/31/23

We haven't put much emphasis on the current Legislative session, however, there are a couple of updates that are impactful for A&R members:

First: the Pandemic Pay award passed the House and Senate votes in the Appropriations Cmte (the House had only 1 "nay" vote and the Senate had only one "nay" vote).  We are now expecting that this will go to a full floor vote on Wednesday 4/5/23 (that's 2 days after UConn wins the National Championship!!) support this bill, all State Employees are encouraged to sign on to this "ActionNetwork" letter and let your Representatives know that you want them to support the passing of this arbitration sign this letter, simply follow this link

Second: a bill has come out of the GAE Committee which would exempt from FOI disclosing the residential addresses of all employees of the Attorney General's Office.  This Bill was initiated by Attorney General William Tong and fully supported by our sister union ACAAG (which covers the Assistant Attorneys Generals).  This bill, if passed and signed, would cover all employees within the OAG and prevent the public release of residential information.

Third:  AFT-CT has 2 "Meet your Legislator Events Upcoming".  These are neat events where several Legislators from the region come and sit at table with State Employees and can just talk about any topic they wish. There is an event at Margaritas in East Hartford on Saturday April 1 from 12:30 to 2:30 and another at Lakeview in Coventry on April 15 from 12:00 to 2pm.  To attend, AFT-CT asks that you pre-register so they can order enough food for the event, follow this link to register

Telework Arbitration Victory

Three agencies continued to misapply the current SEBAC Telework agreement (DOT, DSS, and Office of the Attorney General).  Although we had already prevailed in arbitration on the issue of an agency/unit "cap" on telework, all 3 agencies continued to set some type of "cap" on telework (instead of individual evaluation of telework capabilities).  So A&R, along with other SEBAC unions, again filed a grievance regarding the telework non-compliance by these agencies.  An arbitrator ruled this week that the agencies were in violation of the SEBAC Telework agreement and ordered these agencies to provide a full remedy to the individuals named in the grievance who had appealed their telework denials.  Further, this decision rendered moot a second arbitration that was to take place this week regarding other "caps" instituted by these agencies. 

Impacted employees at the identified agencies should be receiving notification from their agency about the arbitration and their new/improved telework approval.  While this was a SEBAC action, we can't ignore that A&R Chief Steward Patrick Lamb along with A&R steward Sean King were instrumental in the formulation of this arbitration and in prepping witnesses for this action.  It is crucial to prevail in arbitrations during the infancy of a program (such as telework) in order to establish the tone of the program going forward.  Patrick and Sean carefully put together a case necessary to secure a victory and maintain the future of telework for all A&R employees.   -9/9/22

7/1/2022 Paychecks

Your July 1, 2022 paycheck will look a little different again; there happens to be 27 payperiods between July 1, 2021 and July 1, 2022.  Our medical premiums are divided across 26 payperiods, so at this point each of us have covered our annual costs for the fiscal year. As such, the July 1, 2022 paycheck will not have medical premiums deducted from this paycheck.

While we are on the subject of paychecks, the next 2.5% GWI will kick in on July 1, 2022.  This increase will begin on July 1 but won't be reflected in your paycheck until July 29th (the July 1 thru July 14 payperiod will be paid on July 29)...the July 29th paycheck will also include the $1000 lump sum. 

Those trying to keep this all straight:

  • the June 17 paycheck contained the GWI/Step increases from 2021 + $2500
  • the July 1 paycheck will not have medical premiums withheld
  • the July 15 paycheck will include any backpay from the 2021 GWI and Step increases
  • the July 29 paycheck will include the next 2.5% GWI + $1000
  • the January 27, 2023 paycheck will include a Step increase from December 30, 2022
  • retirees: your backpay will be reflected in your August pension payment.