UPDATE on the Gubernatorial Debates: The 3rd Gubernatorial Debate will be held on Wednesday 9/26/18 from 7-8pm. It will be held at UConn-Storrs and televised by WFSB-3. This will be the first time that Oz Griebel will be on stage with Ned Lamont and Bob Stefanowski...I suppose this debate will again be about whether the residents of CT want to elimate the income tax, punish state employment, and re-fight every social issue that has already been settled over the last 50 years.
As an aside, the Hartford Courant ran an editorial and an Op-Ed piece on State Employee Pensions recently, neither were favorable and neither understood that the deals in place are solid and completely address and resolve the funding issue (a repayment plan is in place and future Tier4 pensions are a hybrid of 401k-style and defined benefits with higher employee contribution rates). The Courant was kind enough to allow Gov Dannel Malloy to respond to their negativity, and despite the shots we have taken at Dannel over the years, he has always focused on fixing the under-funded pension plan. Dannel (or is it just Dan now?) wrote a nice op-ed piece 9/21/18 which is based on a full understanding of the issue rather than the "sky is falling" rhetoric we commonly hear...positive rather than negative, refreshing. Read Dannel's Response.