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posted 5/12/17

Due to the recent free-fall in tax revenue, the current fiscal year has fallen into a deficit of roughly $350 million.  In response to the tax shortfall and the inability to achieve a legislative budget, the Governor’s Office has found it necessary to begin the process of layoffs in order to cut expenses.  These layoffs are the beginning of the budget mitigation plan and we expect nearly 4,200 layoffs in order to achieve the level of savings required to balance the budget.

The drastic drop in revenue has sharply impacted the State budget proposals for the next 2 years.  This will


Updated Seniority List as of 4/1/2017

Contact HR regarding any inaccuracies on the list


Congratulations to all our 2017 Scholarship Award winners.

A&R awarded 10 Scholarships to children of active A&R members who are graduating High School this year entering post-secondary education in September 2017.

A&R also awarded 5 Scholarships to children of active A&R members who are continuing their post-secondary education.

A&R also has our Harry Zilber Scholarship of $2500 which was awarded to Liat Feller (daughter of Mark Feller from DCF).

Full List of Scholarship Winners:

(10) High School $1,500
Student                              Parent                                  School Attending  


A formal State budget has yet to be adopted.  However, separate proposals from the Governor’s Office, the Legislative Appropriations Committee, as well as Republican leadership all seek $700 million in “labor savings” in the upcoming fiscal year.  Obviously, this will have a significant impact on state employees.  How that impact finally materializes is unknown.  But we do know that “labor savings” can be achieved in various ways, including layoffs, attrition, and pension and healthcare modifications.  The Governor’s Office estimates 4,200 layoffs will be needed in “labor savings” absent a


Thank you to the membership of A&R for turning out the highest number of votes in years.  Thank you to all members who chose to run for an Officer seat, an executive board seat, or to be a delegate at one of our affiliate conventions.

The results of the elections are attached.

Vote Counts for Officer Positions


A&R's Thirty-Fourth Annual Convention This Thursday

A&R’s Thirty-fourth Annual Convention will be held this Thursday, April 20, 2017 at the Chowder Pot IV (165 Brainard Rd, Hartford, CT  06114).  The Annual Convention is open to all active members.  Registration begins at 4:30 PM and ends promptly at 6:00 PM.  A brief awards ceremony for academic scholarship winners will be held at 5:30 PM.  The meeting will be called to order (and doors closed) at 6:00 PM.

Members MUST provide photo ID and MUST register before 6:00 PM to gain access to the convention.

Convention Call