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Longevity - Reminder that the final paycheck in April and the final paycheck in October are when "Longevity" payments are made for those who qualify (must have over 10 years of service and hired prior to July 1, 2011); this means that Longevity payments are due in this week's paycheck.

A&R Scholarship Winners for 2024

A&R would like to congratulate the winners of our annual Scholarship Awards and thank our Scholarship Cmte members for their time and efforts in making this happen every year.

$2,500 Harry Zilber Scholarship Award winner:

Sara St. Germain daughter of JoAnn


Our Wage Re-Opener Agreement has passed the Appropriations Cmte House and Senate and final stop is a full vote on the House floor (HR-15) and a full vote on the Senate floor (SR-12).  There is no scheduled date for the full floor votes just yet, we will let you know...but remember, everyone has a role in getting this passed, you need to contact your State Rep and State Senator and let them know you want them to pass HR-15 or SR-12 (you can find your legislator's contact info here).

Below are the tally sheets for the votes in the Appropriations Committee...all Senate Democrats


UPDATE 4/12/24 - Our Wage Re-Opener [which is identified as Senate Resolution 12 (SR-12) and House Resolution 15 (HR-15)] will be taken up by  the General Assembly's Appropriations Committee today, Friday April 12, 2024.  A public hearing will be held starting at 10:00AM-ish and can be viewed on .  The public hearing will be followed by a meeting of the Appropriations Cmte where we expect that both chambers will take a committee vote later today.  A&R Chief Negotiator Rhonda Tillman submitted written testimony on behalf of A&R in favor of the Wage Re-Opener.  If the House & Senate


Voting on the 2024 Wage Re-opener Tentative Agreement has closed and the membership has overwhelmingly voted to ratify and accept the Tentative Agreement.

Thank you to all of the members of the A&R Negotiations Committee for your help in delivering this Tentative Agreement to the membership.  Thank you to the A&R stewards who rallied the members and got the message out.  Most importantly, thank you to all of the A&R members who participated in this contract vote.  The union draws its strength directly from the membership so we thank all members who participated in the process.

However, this


The State announced last week that it is ending the use of the LOPD time code for those who contract COVID.  Going forward, if you have COVID and need time off due to the illness then accrued Sick Leave should be used.  The CDC has removed its 5-day isolation period for individuals testing positive, therefore, the State has also removed its 5-day isolation period and the LOPD code.  The expectation is that any individual who has COVID would remain isolated until they experience 24hrs without symptoms and doing so would require the use of accrued Sick Leave.  We are working with the State to


UPDATE: the LSEBC code was de-activated, we are waiting for it to be re-activated for use, but as of now, that is still the time code to use for attendance.

We will be conducting membership meetings via ZOOM to discuss the wage re-opener agreement and to answer questions of the membership.  The meetings are open to all A&R Union members.  The meetings will be conducted during business hours, and you may attend without taking your personal time.  Please code your time sheet with the Core-CT code: LSEBC to attend.

DATE:  March 13 (Wednesday)
TIME:  1:00 PM
ZOOM LINK  https