The State has begun to credit employees with their award for Emotional Distress and Punitive Damagers during the month of January 2016. To be eligible for an award you must have been employed with the State on 11/17/2002. The Emotional Distress and Punitive Awards are as follows:
Laid-Off and Currently working for the State: 80 hrs Vacation & 40 hrs PL
Laid-Off and not Currently working for the State: $1,500 (paid in two yearly installments)
Bumped Down and Currently working for the State: 32 hrs Vacation & 24 hrs PL
Bumped Down and not Currently working for the State: $700 (paid in two yearly installments)
Laterally DIsplace and did not suffer any economic loss: 10hrs PL
Laterally Displaced and suffered economic loss such as an extended commute of 25 miles: 32 hrs Vacation & 24 hrs PL
Employed on 11/17/2002 but not impacted as above: 10 hrs PL or $100 if not currently employed by the State.
Laid-Off and Currently working for the State:Ten vacation days and five personal days
Laid-Off and not Currently working for the State: $1,500 (paid in two yearly installments)
Bumped Down and Currently working for the State: Four vacation days and three personal leave days
Bumped Down and not Currently working for the State: $700 (paid in two yearly installments)
Employed on 11/17/2002 but not impacted as above: 1.25 personal days or $100 if not currently employed by the State.
- See more at:…Laid-Off and Currently working for the State:Ten vacation days and five personal days
Laid-Off and not Currently working for the State: $1,500 (paid in two yearly installments)
Bumped Down and Currently working for the State: Four vacation days and three personal leave days
Bumped Down and not Currently working for the State: $700 (paid in two yearly installments)
Employed on 11/17/2002 but not impacted as above: 1.25 personal days or $100 if not currently employed by the State.
- See more at:…Laid-Off and Currently working for the State:Ten vacation days and five personal days
Laid-Off and not Currently working for the State: $1,500 (paid in two yearly installments)
Bumped Down and Currently working for the State: Four vacation days and three personal leave days
Bumped Down and not Currently working for the State: $700 (paid in two yearly installments)
Employed on 11/17/2002 but not impacted as above: 1.25 personal days or $100 if not currently employed by the State.
- See more at:…Laid-Off and Currently working for the State:Ten vacation days and five personal days
Laid-Off and not Currently working for the State: $1,500 (paid in two yearly installments)
Bumped Down and Currently working for the State: Four vacation days and three personal leave days
Bumped Down and not Currently working for the State: $700 (paid in two yearly installments)
Employed on 11/17/2002 but not impacted as above: 1.25 personal days or $100 if not currently employed by the State.
- See more at:…Those who were Laterally DIsplaced and also incurred economic losses may need to contact to indicate that the Lateral Displacement did involve economic loss.
IMPORTANT: All PL time awarded must be used during calendar year 2016. Vacation time does not have the same requirement.