The coalition of state employee unions has put together a statement to ensure that everyone is up-to-date on what we know so far and what we are continuing to see as areas that need improvements/answers.
View the latest on where we are...
This chart came out from DAS/OPM on Friday 3/13/2020 and seems to be the best guide for understanding the expectations of employees during this healthcare alert:
Please communicate with your supervisor before imposing any quarantine or 'social distancing".
Here are a few key situations:
Sick with COVID19 or caring for someone with COVID19: stay home.
If your health is compromised and a doctor orders you to stay home:...submit the doctor's directive to your agency and stay home.
If you return from a Level 3 designated area such as Europe, China, Iran, South Korea: stay home and self-monitor for 14 days
If you need to care for children or other dependents because school, daycare or eldercare has closed: Either Telework or take up to 14 days of paid leave if Telework is not possible.
A change in visits to Level 2 countries: not required to self-quarantine.
This is an evolving situation and we can presume more guidance will be forthcoming.