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COVID-19 Update & Union Response 3/15/2020


The coalition of state employee unions has put together a statement to ensure that everyone is up-to-date on what we know so far and what we are continuing to see as areas that need improvements/answers.

View the latest on where we are...

This chart came out from DAS/OPM on Friday 3/13/2020 and seems to be the best guide for understanding the expectations of employees during this healthcare alert:

Please communicate with your supervisor before imposing any quarantine or 'social distancing".

Here are a few key situations:
Sick with COVID19 or caring for someone with COVID19: stay home.
If your health is compromised and a doctor orders you to stay home:...submit the doctor's directive to your agency and stay home.
If you return from a Level 3 designated area such as Europe, China, Iran, South Korea: stay home and self-monitor for 14 days
If you need to care for children or other dependents because school, daycare or eldercare has closed:  Either Telework or take up to 14 days of paid leave if Telework is not possible.
A change in visits to Level 2 countries: not required to self-quarantine.
This is an evolving situation and we can presume more guidance will be forthcoming.

This is an evolving situation so today's news may be different from tomorrow's news...clearly, telework is the best way for the State to ensure the work gets done while maintaining "social distance", so we continue to push for the State to embrace telework in a much more serious and aggressive manner...but this is where we are now:

If you are ill with COVID 19 (or exhibiting similar symptoms): use sick time as normal.  If you will be out for 5 days, then utilize FMLA.

If a family member (domiciled with you) is sick or exhibiting similar symptoms): employees may use Sick Family, or FMLA in


We would like to welcome several newly approved A&R stewards who will be the next wave of warriors for our union.  Each new steward of A&R undergoes a 3-year evaluation period before final confirmation by the RA.

David Thomas, Financial Examiner, DOB
Dan Fisher, Associate Accountant, DPH
Elizabeth Drysdale, Insurance Associate Examiner, DOI
Joan Ferraro, Paralegal Specialist, Office of Attorney General
John Loughran, Insurance Certified Financial Examiner, DOI
Sarah Normandie, Staff Attorney, Office of Early Childhood
Carlos Mera, Associate Retirement & Benefits Officer, Comptrollers


UPDATE (3/9/20):
OPM/DAS had issued guidance to the agencies regarding novel coronavirus.  Over the weekend, OPM/DAS updated their guidance to restrict out-of-state travel by employees and to limit out of state contractors coming into the state (along with the normal “wash your hands” and Lysol your workstation message).

A&R believes that this is the perfect opportunity for the state to fully implement telecommuting.  Telecommuting will allow the state to continue to function while providing some level of quarantine to minimize the spread of the virus.  While the state can clearly make

The coalition of labor unions representing faculty and professional staff in the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities (CSCU) is organizing a press conference to highlight our shared legislative priorities. We need you to help show unity and solidarity in the face of attempts by system leadership and some on the Board of Regents to divide us:

WHAT: CSCU Unions Coalition Press Conference

WHEN: Friday, March from 10:30 to 11:00AM.

WHERE: Room 1-C in the Legislative Office Building (LOB), located at 300 Capitol Avenue in Hartford (free, easy access parking is available in the adjacent garage


In addition to the Legislative Conference (held on Feb 29, at the LOB).  AFT-CT also holds a series of Legislative regional meetings throughout the State.  This year's offerings are listed below... these are free events, typically with free food/drink and they offer a nice relaxed atmosphere to sit at a table with legislators.  There is no pressure, no need to engage if you don't wish to engage, just an opportunity to hear one-on-one discussions with legislators.

If you wish to attend, just simply show-up for the event.  View Flyer.  The venues are as follows:

Saturday March 14