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Advisory and Guidelines for State Employees Regarding Ebola

The Governor's Office and the CT Dept of Public Health have released the following guidelines and advisory for State Employees related to the Ebola virus.  

Ebola Advisory

UPDATE - 10/22/2014

The law firm of Silver, Golub, and Teitell LLP has sent a letter and a form to all union members affected by the Rowland layoffs.  If you were affected by the Rowland layoffs, please look for the letter and form to arrive by mail during the week of 10/18/2014 through 10/25/2014.  A copy of the letter and form can be downloaded from this link:  Rowland Layoff Form


The Healthcare Cost Containment Committee met on Monday Sept 8, 2014 to review HEP enrolled members and begin the process of removing them for non-compliance with 2013 HEP Medical Screening requirements.  Click MORE for additional details.


Tickets remaining for Foxwoods

We have several tickets left for our Foxwoods trip on October 12, 2014.  Click MORE to sign up, only $15!

A&R's Social Committee is having a trip to Foxwoods!  However we need to sell more tickets to fill the bus or we may be forced to cancel this trip. 

Foxwoods - October 12, 2014  $15

AFT National and AFT-CT dues increase

The union dues increase you will experience in your pay check dated September 19, 2014 is because national AFT National and AFT CT raised their dues at their conventions.  The increase will be $0.44 per pay period.

A&R is AFT Local 4200.  A&R has not raised our own dues, but we are required  to implement any dues increase approved by the national and state organizations.

Following the sexual assault near 10 Clinton Street Hartford, DAS Statewide Security has posted important information for State Employees and the general public. 

A&R is reposting these reports as we receive them to ensure all our members are receiving the most up to date information.  Click MORE for important information.